Listed below are some points when creating an argumentative essay. 1. A clear, concise, and defined thesis statement that occurs in the first paragraph of the essay. In the first paragraph of an argument essay, students should set the context by reviewing the topic in a general manner Aug 25, · Argumentative essays are a means of proving an argument valid, hence turning theory into fact. It is often visible if the writer has spent time developing their argument. Experienced writers build their own set of principles to maximize clear delivery. The validity of In the first paragraph of an argument essay, students should set the context by reviewing the topic in a general way. Next the author should explain why the topic is important (exigence) or why readers should care about the issue. Lastly, students should present the thesis statement
Argumentative Essays // Purdue Writing Lab
Virginia argumentative essay articles been a university English instructor for over 20 years. She specializes in helping people write argumentative essay articles faster and easier.
Need a great argument topic? Below I give over ideas. You'll write faster and easier if you pick a topic based on:.
I also save you time by giving you links to videos and sample student essays. Check out my guides for writing papers argumentative essay articles. Good luck! If you get a good grade, be sure to come back and tell me! Lists of topic ideas in the categories of food and health, obesity and dieting, recycling and the environment, families and relationships, and science and technology, with videos and many links to research and student essay examples. Steer clear of overused topics like abortion, gun control, argumentative essay articles, and the death penalty.
For one thing, your instructor has already read far too many of these essays and is not only probably bored with the topic, argumentative essay articles, but also has already heard everything you might say.
Moreover, although those may seem like easy topics, they really aren't, because most people are set in their ways about these issues and it is hard to think of an argument that might change their minds. Here are some professional articles and websites that can help you start, argumentative essay articles. Many of these argumentative essay articles contain links to other sources also.
Environmental essay idea: How dangerous is pollution to our health? Do masks and filters really help? By Gabriel Synnaeve originally posted to Flickr as IMGP [CC-BY-SA Are family vacations important for families? How important are fathers in the emotional development of children? Argument ideas about cell phones: Will phones and tablets replace paper? Should cities invest in universal WiFi? Should schools allow cell phone use in class?
SciTech Daily : Science and new technology news and research reports. CNN Technology News : Updates of the latest trends. For more detailed essay instructions, argumentative essay articles, see How to Write an Argument Essay, Step-by-Step.
Argumentative essay articles I am struggling with deciding on a topic for an argumentative essay. What should I do? Answer: Both of those topics are interesting and compelling to study, especially if you live in a culture where they are problems. Here is how to choose the best topic for you:. List both topics and set a timer for 5 minutes. Write everything you know about one of the topics for that period of time.
Then do the same thing for the second topic. You can also write argumentative essay articles questions you want to know.
Look for resources on each topic. Use what you've already written to Google search answers to questions, or to look for articles in your local library. Spend no more than an hour. After you have done those two exercises, you will probably begin to realize that one of the two topics is either more interesting to you, or one that you think you will be able to research more easily.
Those two exercises should not take more than an hour and a half at most and most of that time will directly help you on your paper. Answer: You bring up a good point that there are many topic questions which don't have only two answers or just two ways that people think about the issue.
Here are some of the best topics to produce a compelling discussion from a variety of perspectives:. homelessness, argumentative essay articles, racism, poverty or any other social issue? Question: What do you think of the topic, "Should parents ban young kids from social media?
Question: I need to write a Toulmin strategy argument paper about abuse. Do you have any quick and easy ideas? Question: Is the topic, " the single parent's struggles" good for an argumentative essay? Answer: A good argumentative topic needs to be stated as a question which has more than one answer. It can't be an argumentative topic if there is just a description of something or a question that has only one, definitive answer.
Here are some topic questions on single parents:. Do single parents argumentative essay articles struggles that go above an beyond the struggles of two-parent families?
Question: I need to write a persuasive argument. What influence will robots have on businesses like Microsoft argumentative essay articles Uber or pick a different business? How will customer service chatbots change the way that companies market and service their products? Will they make customer service more efficient and effective? Answer: I always suggest that students ask their instructor for specific instructions if they are not sure what to do on a paper topic such as "synthesis.
Question: I need to write an argument essay about children with special needs attending regular school. Do you have any good points to argue? What accommodations should be given so that special needs children can attend school with their peers? Question: What do you think of the topic, "Is deforestation worth it? Answer: I'm not sure "worth it" is a clear enough question.
Here are some alternatives:. How can we help people who live in forested areas survive economically without cutting down trees? Answer: A Rogerian argument is a strategy of how you write rather than a particular topic. Here are some ALS topics:. Question: What do you think about the topic "Should teenagers be able to drive and get their license at the age of 16? Answer: In many places, teenagers can get their license at 16, argumentative essay articles, so this question works best if you are argumentative essay articles that they should not be argumentative essay articles to get it that argumentative essay articles. I had a student do a paper on this once and that student found a lot of evidence about how the brain does not fully develop until 18 to be able to make "executive decisions" which are needed when you drive.
I was quite convinced after reading the paper that argumentative essay articles ought to wait longer and I've had most of my kids wait until they were at least Question: I need to find an argumentative topic on student issues, argumentative essay articles. Can you help me?
Does social media use hurt student's social lives? What should the individual student do to have argumentative essay articles healthier and happier social life in school? What makes an excellent teacher? How can teachers do a better job choose one or more at teaching the information clearly, motivating students, making their subject interesting, or meeting students needs?
What makes someone popular? Are popular students meaner than other students, or are they nicer? Are school sports good for students or do they take too much time and effort away from doing well in school? Should student-athletes have special privileges? Answer: There are many ways to get inspiration to write your essay.
Here are my suggestions:. Write it out: get out a sheet of paper or computer document and write everything you know about that topic. Don't worry about grammar or even writing full sentences. Just get the ideas out, argumentative essay articles. Get help from a friend: If you feel stuck talking or writing on your own, argumentative essay articles, then get a friend and have them ask you questions about your topic.
You could also interview someone else about your topic, or even talk to a bunch of people to see what they think. Post it on social media. Post your topic idea on social media and see what everyone else has to say about it. Maybe other people have ideas of movies, news events or articles you can read. Google it: look for your topic on Google. Read as much as you can to find out more, argumentative essay articles.
Look for some good evidence you can include in your paper as you read or watch videos on the topic. Should pit bulls and other dogs considered more prone to aggression be banned from apartment buildings? Should domestic food animals like dairy cows, cattle and chickens be raised in pens or allowed to roam free? How important is it for children to be exposed to farm life and farm animals through field trips or 4-H clubs? Question: Can you suggest a good editorial topic argumentative essay articles micro-chipping that is easy to write about?
Question: I need a question to use as an argumentative essay topic based around history - preferably within the time period of - - Any suggestions? Question: Can you suggest an argumentative essay topic that is based on tourism? Question: Can you suggest a topic for an opinion essay that has to do with pharmacy education?
Question: Can you help me find research facts proving alcoholism is a disease for an argumentative essay?
Argumentative Essay Example
, time: 14:00Easy Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas With Research Links and Sample Essays - Owlcation

The definition of an argumentative essay is a research paper that takes a position on a controversial issue and tries to present evidence in favor of that position. The world is full of argumentative essay topics. You can select a high-profile subject like abortion or go for a smaller fish like organic eating. The best advice anyone can give is to select a topic you’re passionate about Dec 03, · Good Topics for an Argumentative Essay. [Post information was updated in November, ] There are lots of argumentative essays topics here to help you write your essay. Our ideas will be helpful to anyone wanting to write a good argumentative essay. Along with these topics, you can also find samples related to different disciplines Oct 23, · What You'll Find in this Article: 1. Instructions for how to (and how not to) pick a topic. 2. Lists of topic ideas (in the categories of food and health, obesity and dieting, recycling and the environment, families and relationships, and science and technology, with videos and many links to research and student essay blogger.com: Virginia Kearney
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